Monday, April 6, 2009

Hey! Looky there! Danica is mad at another Driver

When is Danica Patrick going to look at Anna Kournikova and say, "Hey, you may be on to something there" and give up racing for modeling or acting. Don't get me wrong I like Danica and I respect what she has done with her career but it seems once or twice a year she gets wrecked and its always someone Else's fault.

Take for instance DP's quick exit from IRL season opener in St Petersburg. She was in 9th when she and Raphael Matos got tangled and went crashing into the tire barrier. Of course it was Matos' fault as “It’s not exactly the ideal spot to pass,” she said. Both were going for the same spot in one of the tightest corners on the track when they crashed out.

As both were walking away from their battered cars the two eventually stopped to wait for the safety crew and Patrick could be seen tapping Matos on the helmet. It was assumed she was telling him to use his head.

Now this isn't the first time DP has had a complaint with another drive. Last year at the Indy 500 she was stopped by pit road security after she attempted to confront a driver who had run her the wrong way. And who could forget her attempt to get in Dan Wheldon's face after an IRL race two years ago.

The girl has spunk but it really stops there. She should stick to her real talent and that is modeling. One day she is going to tick off the wrong driver and try the macho stunt one time too many and get embarrassed.

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